Most everyone is faced with a skin condition at some point of their lifetime. And no matter how frustrating that can be, several of these skin concerns are commonly dealt with and easy to treat.

common skin conditions | Anders Dermatology

Is what you’re experiencing something to worry about, or a simple fix? We’ll share how to get clear skin by addressing some of the most common skin conditions.


Brown spots, also referred to as sun spots or age spots, are pigmented areas of skin that have experienced sun damage. While that may sound scary, sun spots typically aren’t harmful—unless you notice the pigment on your skin growing or darkening in color. (And if this is the case, schedule a skin cancer screening immediately.)

If your brown spots aren’t a medical concern, there are cosmetic options available to help lighten unwanted pigment. Treatments such as the excel V™ (a non-invasive laser), microneedling and chemical peels can improve the appearance of brown spots and several other common skin conditions. If you’re not ready for a cosmetic treatment quite yet, we offer physician-strength product lines that can also address this type of pigment over time.


An angioma is a growth on the skin that consists of several tiny blood vessels, appearing as a red “bubble,” spot on the skin or a cluster of fine lines. Angiomas are typically not a concern—and they are usually not removed unless they bleed or cause discomfort. However, there is still an option available for patients who want to get rid of them. Our best recommendation for eliminating these imperfections is the excel V laser, which can remove angiomas and other lesions quickly with little to no downtime!


Acne is the most common skin condition, as it affects many people at some time in their lives. While some patients battle acne for years, others are lucky enough to experience no more than a casual breakout from time to time. Regardless of your situation, if you have not seen a dermatologist for your blemishes, this is the first step.

After your dermatology visit, you will likely be prescribed a special medication to address your breakouts and begin your treatment process. If you are diagnosed with acne, it’s common to go through multiple medications until your doctor finds the right one for you, so have patience. Acne treatments don’t work the same way on everyone.

While a prescribed medication is most effective in eliminating acne, it can’t address what’s left behind—acne scars. Luckily, treatments such as microneedling and chemical peels can refinish the outer layers of your skin and remodel its appearance through new collagen production! And if you have not been diagnosed with acne but sometimes suffer from breakouts, routine treatments such as facials and dermaplaning can keep them at bay.


No one wants to notice the effects of aging. It’s just a matter of time before lines, wrinkles and even sagging skin begin to appear—and once they do, what’s the solution? What most people don’t know about anti-aging solutions is that you can start early as your 20s.

Botox and Dysport are commonly used for preventative purposes, temporarily freezing the muscles in your face so their movements don’t result in wrinkles on your skin. And for patients who didn’t get a head-start, dermal fillers work to fill in lines and wrinkles and add volume to the skin for a more plump, younger-looking appearance. (You can still use Botox and Dysport to smooth out these imperfections, too!) If you’re interested in anti-aging skin care products, ask your skin expert what they recommend.


If you would like to learn how to get clear skin and be consulted on a treatment, call Anders Dermatology at 419.473.3257! Our dermatology staff will meet with you and make the best recommendation. Whether it’s acne, sun damage or wrinkles, we’re here to help.

Be sure to check in on our specials page for monthly deals on our cosmetic services!   

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