Rosacea is a common skin condition that affects about 14 million Americans—and unfortunately, most people suffering from it are not even aware they have it.

Do the symptoms you’re experiencing point to this skin condition? Learn how to identify the signs and what rosacea treatment options are available.


At first, patients who have rosacea commonly notice smaller and less severe symptoms, such as a tendency to become flush. This facial redness can come and go without discomfort, which is why it typically does not alarm patients.

Over time, what started as mild facial redness can spread and cover the entire face, as well as the ears, chest and back. If rosacea worsens it can also result in thick and bumpy skin, swelling, breakouts and visible blood vessels. If left untreated, this skin condition can be extremely uncomfortable and painful for affected patients.

How to Treat Rosacea | Anders Dermatology

Whether you are experiencing early signs or more severe symptoms, play it safe and contact your dermatologist. Different types of rosacea exist, with some being more dangerous than others. Addressing your condition early on can help skin experts recommend the most effective rosacea treatment option.


As mentioned above, it is vital to see a dermatologist if you are concerned about your symptoms. Why? Because rosacea symptoms are common and can be experienced by patients who suffer from different and more severe skin conditions as well. It is important to seek a specialist rather than self-diagnose and attempt to treat yourself at home. You may unknowingly have a medical condition that needs immediate attention.

If you are diagnosed with rosacea, your dermatologist will likely speak to you about your symptoms to try and pinpoint any triggers. Triggers are factors that can cause your rosacea to flare up, such as stress or spicy foods. Once you discover what is triggering your rosacea, you should try to avoid those factors as much as possible. Your dermatologist may also prescribe medication to help calm your skin and prevent rosacea from worsening.

At Anders Dermatology, we also offer the excel V™—a laser treatment designed to diffuse facial redness and veins that are a result of rosacea. This non-invasive and downtime-free procedure can improve the condition of your skin with just one session. Ask about this option at your appointment!


Since rosacea is known as a chronic skin condition, you may be guided through specifics of how to care for your skin to prevent flare-ups and worsening of symptoms.

Most patients who have rosacea are extremely sensitive to the sun. That said, it’s important to make sure the everyday products you’re using contain SPF to protect you from the sun’s harmful rays. And if you know you will be spending hours outdoors, apply a more protective sunscreen and wear a hat to prevent irritating your skin.

And when it comes to skin care in general, you may want to reconsider the cleanser, lotion and other products you’re using as well. There are dermatologist-approved skin care lines designed specifically for patients with sensitive skin, such as Avène! These can help soothe and calm irritated skin, keeping your rosacea symptoms at bay.

Want to learn more about clinical skin care lines approved by the experts at Anders Dermatology? Check them out here!


If you’re one of the many patients experiencing rosacea symptoms, see your dermatologist to determine if you have a skin condition and how it can be addressed. The sooner you see an expert, the more effective your rosacea treatment will be!

Rosacea Treatment| Anders Dermatology

Anders Dermatology is helping patients in Toledo, Ohio, and surrounding areas care for their skin and achieve their goals. Call our office at 419.473.3257 and check out our specials page for exclusive offers on our services!

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